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لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله There is no deity but God; Muhammad is the messenger of God.

Category: News Updates

Duas (Supplications) shared by our Imam during each day of Ramadan Each dua is in Arabic with Translation and Transliteration. Please click on the links below to access the duas in PDF format. ...


Blessed nights of Ramadhan We’re going to have in the blessed nights of Ramadhan “UNDERSTANDING QURAN”, sessions  15 to 20 minuets before Ishaa Every night at 9:...

For parents who wish to enroll their children at Al-Furqan Academy, Step Up For Students provides a full-tuition scholarship. Applications for new families for the scholarship for the 2018-2019 school year are being accepted on a first come first...

ICNEF's 8th Annual Sisters' Quran Competition is scheduled for Saturday May 5th and fast approaching.  We encourage all sisters ages 14+ to participate!!!...