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لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله There is no deity but God; Muhammad is the messenger of God.

Category: News Updates

Rohingya Muslims Need your help! Rohingya?  Rakhine?  Burma?  Myanmar?  Ban...

Funeral Preparation Room - Fundraising Campaign We are pleased to let you know that we started the fundraising campaign to collect the remaining fund to start the Funeral Preparation room at ICNEF, the campaign will continue until mi...

SUNDAY SCHOOL STARTED The 2017-2018 ICNEF Sunday School year will begin this upcoming Sunday August 20, 2017 Inn Shaa Allah.  Registration will be open at 10:00am.   Fees ...

EID CARNIVAL AT ICNEF 09/16 Please mark your calendars. EID Ul-ADHA CARNIVAL at ICNEF is on 16th Sept, 2017 TIME - 6 PM to 10 PM More details to...
