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لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله There is no deity but God; Muhammad is the messenger of God.

Category: News Updates

To provide holistic religious, social, and educational services fostering devotion towards the worship of God Almighty by following the authentic teachings of Prophet Muhammad....

Alhamdulillah (All praise is for Allah) who has guided you to Islam. We are very happy and excited that you are now a Muslim, Ma Sha Allah. May Allah-The Most Merciful, reward you immensely and grant you all that is good. ...

With the Grace and Mercy of Allah SWT, and with your donations and sacrifices, construction of our school building has started. Shukre Al-Hamdu Lillahe. May Allah SWT make us worthy of His Blessings.  Ameen. W...

الحمد لله with the blessings of Allah, Community Contribution and Volunteering, we  Saturday October 24, we served those in need in our greater Jacksonville Area. May Allah  سبحانه وتعالي  Bless our Muslim Community, Donors and Volunteer for the wa...

  Take advantage of the upcoming opportunity at CFL. On Saturday, 22nd...