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Islamic Center School Building Update


ICNEF School Building Update

Latest Update:
Shukre Al-Hamdu Lillahe, School Building construction is back on track. Work on roof drains and the pipes to carry rain water to the Retention Pond was completed this week. Pittman Concrete Company crew has been laying down reinforcement steel on the roof this week which is expected to be inspected by the City on Friday. Next Tuesday, they plan to pour concrete on the roof. They expect to have two very large concrete pumps to throw concrete on roof and will have a crew of 30 to spread it out. They expect to start work on that day at 3:00 AM, insha Allah. We hope and pray that all will go well.

My respected brothers and sisters: Regardless of the challenges that each of us may have in our daily lives, there are millions of people who would love to change places with us in a heartbeat. Regardless of whether we have a child who is among the 500 students who receive education each week about Islam and other disciplines in the portables that the new building is to replace; What a blessing it is for each of us to have an opportunity to take our share in constructing a “Sadaqa-e-Jariya” with concrete and steel that will, Insha Allah, be serving Muslims long after each and every one of us is gone. Please do not deny yourself the privilege of participating in this cause.

All donations received in response to this appeal (unless you choose otherwise) will be used for the school building construction.

Donations to the ICNEF have been Tax Deductible for Income Tax purposes since May 1979 (EIN: 59-1882880). Please mail your check to ICNEF at the address below, or call Sr. Sara Mojadidi in the ICNEF office if you would like to set up for direct withdrawals from your bank account or credit card.   Wishing all of you good health and a prosperous 2016.  Jazakum Allahu Khairan, Ashraf (Chairman, ICNEF Board of Trustees)