Executive Committee
- Hafez Assali, Chairman
- Mobeen Rathore, Vice-Chairman
- Ayub Quraishi, Secretary
- Shakour Bolden, Treasurer
Rana Shaban
Mohammad Mona
Hussin Imam
Parvez Ahmed
Taher Shrif
Samir Itany.
Ashraf Shaikh
To contact the Board send an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ” target=”_blank”> secretary@icnef.org or call the office at 904-646-3462 during normal business hours. For general inquires send email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ” target=”_blank”> info@icnef.org.
1. Al Furqan Committee – Develop policies and provide oversight for the effective governance of Al Furqan Academy, ICNEF’s full-time Islamic school. Among the duties of the committee is to prepare school budget, manage finances, review quality of education, student performance and effectiveness of staff. CHAIR – Moinul Islam
2. Communication and Public Relations Committee – Develop and implement a communication plan for both internal and external constituents. Manage email lists, web-based communication and social media postings. Ensure consistency of communications and messages to members, media and community. CHAIR – Pavez Ahmed
3. Community Events Committee – Assist in the planning and execution of community-wide events (such as Sports Day, Eid Picnic, Eid Carnival, Monthly Gathering etc.) being held at or by the Islamic Center. Among the duties of the committee is to prepare budget, manage the event, review quality of service and effectiveness of volunteers. CHAIR- Shauib Karim
4. Construction Committee – Plan and implement construction projects, soliciting professional bids, developing a budget for each project, developing a project timeline, and supervising construction work. Ensure compliance with all regulatory codes and inspections required by the city or county. Monitor project spending against the approved budget. CHAIR – Tahir Shareef
5. Dar Al Arabiya Committee – Develop policies and provide oversight for the effective governance of ICNEF’s Dar Al Arabiya school, which specializes in teaching Arabic. Among the duties of the committee is to prepare school budget, manage finances, review quality of education, student performance and effectiveness of staff. CHAIR – Rana Shaban
6. Educational Programs Committee – Plan and manage educational programs that are outside the purview of Al Furqan Academy and the weekend schools. These activities may include but not be limited to adult classes, halakas, conferences, symposiums, workshops, book clubs etc. The aim of these educational activities will be to enhance the love and practice of Islam amongst all members of the community. The Committee with periodically assess the effectiveness of all such educational programs and activities. CHAIR – Dina Ramadan
7. Finance Committee – Provide financial oversight for ICNEF, including but not limited to, budgeting, financial planning, financial reporting and the creation and monitoring of internal financial controls. CHAIR – Fawad Mansoori
8. Information Technology Committee – Develop policies and provide oversight for the effective utilization of information technology at ICNEF. Among the duties of the committee is to outline IT plan, prepare budget, implement and monitor IT resources, and review quality of service. CHAIR – Abdelnaser Nasser
9. Interfaith Relations Committee – Engage in building relationships with communities and leadership of different faiths. Develop programs and activities that allow Muslims to work with other faith communities for the sake of common good. CHAIR – TBD
10. Maintenance Services Committee – Responsibilities of this Committee are: Cleanliness/Maintenance (Minor Repairs) of Facilities; Management of Bookstore and Vending Machines and Purchase of Supplies. CHAIR – Hafez Assali.
11. Membership Committee – Develop and implement plan for membership recruitment and retention. Welcome new members and respond to complaints from existing members. Bring to BOT’s attention regular feedback from membership. Seek approval of new members at each BOT meeting. CHAIR – Hussein Imam
12. Muslim Care Committee – Description pending approval. CHAIR – Mobeen Rathore
13. Prison Services Committee – Provide necessary social, religious and counseling services to Muslim prisoners in area prisons. CHAIR – James AbdurRahman
14. Security Committee – Develop and implement a plan to ensure security of the Islamic Center. Review and implement contracts with a security provider for round-the-clock security of property and people on-premise. CHAIR – Yousif Abubaker
15. Sunday School Committee – Develop policies and provide oversight for the effective governance of ICNEF’s Sunday Islamic school. Among the duties of the committee is to prepare school budget, manage finances, review quality of education, student performance and effectiveness of staff. CHAIR – Hafez Assali
16. Women Affairs Committee – Develop programs to address any special needs of women, that allow them to strengthen their Islamic values including but not limited to sisterhood in Islam, equal participation opportunities and help create an environment that fosters the participation of women in positions of leadership. Develop and engage in activities that have a positive spiritual and social impact on the Muslim community at large and the citizens of greater Jacksonville as well. CHAIR – Sabeen Mansoori
17. Youth Programs Committee (Boys) – Organize and manage social activities for the youth that enhance the physical and spiritual well-being the Muslim youth in Jacksonville. CHAIR – Mohammed Bataineh
18. Youth Programs Committee (Girls) – Organize and manage social activities for the youth that enhance the physical and spiritual well-being the Muslim youth in Jacksonville.CHAIRS – TBD
19. Needy Family Committee – The Committee will be responsible for the collections and distributions of Zakat, Kafarat, and all other Sharia-compliant charity (Sadaqah). This committee will also review and approve applications of families or individuals requiring Sharia-compliant financial assistance from the Islamic Center. The committee will keep clear records of all applicants and the decision to approve or disapprove request. To ensure Sharia compliance, the committee will actively seek the counsel and guidance of the Imam. CHAIR – Abdelnaser Nasser
20. Education Task Force – It will be composed of the heads of all education related committees at ICNEF and community members professionally engaged in the field of education. The aim of this Task Force is to create opportunities for dialogue, information sharing and joint development of enrichment activities for all education related providers at ICNEF. The Education Task Force would realize an overall vision for educational entities that are under the umbrella of ICNEF as well as offer support for and receive input from other educational groups such as homeschooling parents. By utilizing educational resources from within our community and from the greater Jacksonville community, the task force would offer workshops, training, and an annual Educational Summit. CHAIR – Dina Ramadan
Sara Mojadidi, Office Secretary, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ” target=”_blank”> sara@icnef.org
Naeem Sacic, Custodian
Dania Barazi, Custodian