Rohingya Muslims Need your help!
Rohingya Muslims Need your help!
Rohingya? Rakhine? Burma? Myanmar? Bangladesh?
According to the UN, 389,000 Rohingya Muslims, an ethnic minority living in the predominantly Buddhist state of Rakhine in western Myanmar (formerly Burma), have fled to Bangladesh in four weeks! They have endured decades of oppression, discrimination, and human rights violations. But recently, the ethnic cleansing of our brothers and sisters, and their children and parents in the form of massacres, rapes, murders, torture, looting, and the burning of entire villages has increased. These atrocities are appalling and inhumane. The military has even been accused of planting land mines at the border. Many Rohingya have drowned trying to flee from the violence.
many world leaders have sent an open letter to the United Nations Security Council requesting that the international community take action against the genocide being committed against the Rohingya Muslims, who are described as “the most persecuted minority in the world.”
Approximately sixty percent (60%) of the refugees are children and according to UNICEF there is an acute shortage of everything, “most critically shelter, food, and clean water.”
We strongly advise you to donate to the “Emergency Relief” for “Rohingya” through the Chicago-based Zakat Foundation of America,
It is our duty to be Ansars, Helpers, to ALL human beings, especially stateless and displaced Muslims. To help or not to help…. that is the decision we must make. Do we sacrifice SOME money or NONE at all for our brothers and sisters who are suffering and desperately need our financial assistance or do we ignore and neglect them?
Remember…our life is a journey filled with tests! Do we pass or fail this one?