لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله There is no deity but God; Muhammad is the messenger of God.

Life Cycle Services
Life Cycle Services
Aqeeqah and birth rights
Abraham is seen as spiritual father of all believers and the patriarch of the Muslim Faith. Many actions, of both ritual and religious custom, are associated with him and considered venerable in Islam due to the fact that they are part of “Abraham’s way”; a term used frequently in the Quran to denote dedication to God’s service and devotion to monotheism.
Abraham is seen as spiritual father of all believers and the patriarch of the Muslim Faith. Many actions, of both ritual and religious custom, are associated with him and considered venerable in Islam due to the fact that they are part of “Abraham’s way”; a term used frequently in the Quran to denote dedication to God’s service and devotion to monotheism.
Abraham’s service and dedication are commemorated in the “Aqeeqah” which is a celebration of birth commemorating the parents’ gratitude to God for the blessing of their newborn, their endeavor to keep with the covenant of Abraham, and to raise their child up in it accordingly.
We here at the Islamic Center provide our facilities for the hosting of the “Aqeeqah” communal meal. If you are interested in use the Islamic Center facilities for an Aqeeqah, please schedule an event. If you need counseling and advice on other rites of the Aqeeqah, please contact the Imam.
Marriage Services
Marriage is one of the most important bonds that a person can create. Given this importance we here at ICNEF request all couples applying for a marriage to take a 3 month pre-marital counseling course. To arrange for a Marriage to be performed at the Islamic Center, please do the following:
Step 1 – Contact the administration to announce your intention to get married.
Step 2 – Attend the mandatory Pre-marital counseling.
Step 3 – Obtain a marriage license for State of Florida
Step 4 – Call the main office to set an appointment with the Imam for the Wedding.
Step 2 – Attend the mandatory Pre-marital counseling.
Step 3 – Obtain a marriage license for State of Florida
Step 4 – Call the main office to set an appointment with the Imam for the Wedding.
Please make sure you have 2 Witnesses present at the time of the ceremony. It is important to remember that the Marriage documents must to be notarized and that no weddings are performed without a valid Florida marriage license.
To contact the main office about your marriage, use the “Contact Us” link above and reference “Marriage Ceremony” in the subject line.
Funeral Services & Muslim Cemetery
The Islamic Center provides Funeral services to families of deceased Muslims in Jacksonville and the surrounding areas. The Islamic Center owns exclusive sections in several cemeteries around Jacksonville, Florida.
The Islamic Center provides Funeral services to families of deceased Muslims in Jacksonville and the surrounding areas. The Islamic Center owns exclusive sections in several cemeteries around Jacksonville, Florida.
Anyone who has been a member of the Islamic Center for at least one year and has paid all dues, his / her spouse, and his / her unmarried children are entitled to the use of this Cemetery lot without any charge.
A non-member Muslim, or a member Muslim who has not been a member at least one year, may be allowed to use this Cemetery, if approved by the Islamic Center’s Funeral Committee, after paying the current market values of the burial plot. However, if the estate of the deceased and / or his / her family is not in a position to pay the market value, the Needy Family Committee is authorized not to request such payment or request a smaller payment.